Friday, February 14, 2025

Liz Cole "I Want To Be Happy"

Many good songs from Songbook America have been discovered by today's young singers. Liz Cole is one of them as she flawlessly works her vocal magic on ten tunes that will delight you. With varied accompaniment from one track to another, she has obviously done her homework with notable choices like Eubie Blake's “I'd Give A Dollar For A Dime” and the surprise of the set, Cole Porter's “You're Sensational” from the movie High Society. I can clearly hear it in my head as sung by the great Frank Sinatra. There are also some new tunes here, each done with a carefree and capable confidence. Nice going, Liz---you unearthed some good ones!

Self-produced, probably 2024; appx. 36 min.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Dave Stryker "Stryker With Strings Goes To The Movies"

To my ear, veteran guitarist Dave Stryker has always leaned in the direction of a pop-funk approach to his jazz style. I must say that I like this disc a lot and I'll tell you why. Stryker works here with strings and a full orchestra. And the arrangements are so well thought out that they enhance Stryker's leadership position. The songs are all themed from movies, many of which are action type thrillers. Hence we have themes from “You Only Live Twice”, “Shaft”, “Taxi Driver”, “Anatomy Of A Murder”, and even “The Sound Of Music”. Stryker is well up to the task of working with a full orchestra. Needless to say, this project comes off as quite illuminating.

Strikezone Records; 2025; appx. 61 min.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Ginetta's Vendetta "Fun Size"

Here we have an invigorating jazz group led by trumpet player Ginetta M. She and an equally skilled sax player keep things hopping with help, of course, from a swinging rhythm section. Thirteen tunes are well balanced between standards and a few originals. The ones you know include “There Will Never Be Another You”, “Black Orpheus”, “It Could Happen To You”, and even “Moon River”. There's a lot of technique here as well as some downright pretty playing. And who can argue that! This ensemble should satisfy both the seasoned jazz listener and anyone who simply appreciates quality music making. 

Kickin' Wiccan Music; 2024; times not indicated

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Vanisha Gould; She's Not Shiny, She's Not Smooth

Singer Vanisha Gould has been compared by one writer to Carmen McRae. High praise indeed, and one can certainly hear a McRae-ish similarity. On this recording she sings an entire program of her own compositions. And her writing is quite stimulating, wise, and clever. So give her credit for some interesting content. Speaking only for myself, I could climb aboard the Carmen train if Vanisha had chosen a few well placed jazz tunes---like Carmen always did. Anyway, Vanisha Gould is a singer with definitive jazz chops. In my book, that goes a long way.

Cellar Music; 2024; appx. 49 min

Friday, January 31, 2025

Bill May "Bill Mays Sings"

In the brief notes to this collection, Bill Mays explains that over decades of working with many of our prominent singers, he himself has occasionally taken to vocalizing. Anyone who knows anything about jazz pianists is aware that Bill Mays is one of the most versatile and constantly brilliant pianists over a long period of time. Here he accompanies himself on a gathering of songs he has sung at various concerts. From Dave Frishberg's clever “Do You Miss New York” to Irving Berlin's “I Love A Piano”, Mays has a ball with both original lyrics and some additional ones that he contributed. Other tunes include a reimagining of “Have You Met Miss Jones” which becomes “Have You Heard Hank Jones”, “I'm Always Drunk In San Francisco” (check out the last line), the very funny “April In Fairbanks”, plus much loved standards like “Get Out Of Town”, “'Tis Autumn”, and “Let's Call The Whole Thing Off” among others. It was finally time for Bill Mays to do this album and he has done it with charm, humor, and Mays-like creativity. 

No Blooze Music Productions; 2024; times not indicated

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ben Paterson; Cookin' In The Cove

On his last couple of recordings Ben Paterson took a hiatus from the piano and turned his attention to the organ. As excellent as those efforts were, I'm glad to inform you that he has returned to the splendid Yamaha or the historic Steinway or whatever piano that makes him so great! With his fully communicative colleagues, Neal Miner on bass and Aaron Seeber on drums, Paterson is superbly on target on a menu of mostly original, sprightly swinging tunes. The rest of the good news is that the trio also shines on much admired fare such as “'Tis Autumn”, “This Here”, and a blues called “Chitlins Con Carne”. Paterson has a beautiful, resonant touch, and every selection portrays him as a distinguished artist. This is a piano jazz trio at its finest. No gimmickry, no excess, just pure piano pleasure. Ben Paterson is the real deal and you'd do yourself a favor by adding this one to your collection.

Cellar Music; 2024; appx. 50 min.